BioAcademy Finland is a fresh future oriented Academy located in Finland, North Europe – next to Russian Federation – owned by highly recognized and experienced academic professors and teachers and having a wide pool of experts and teachers from business life, policy and academy. Finland is known of it’s merits in international conflict solving and negotiations. Logically also our products, teaching and workshop methods, emphasize conflict and problem solving.
Our Expertise is on Bioeconomy; focused on Natural resources management and forestry, green economy, renewable energy, biochemistry and climate change; strategies, policy, interenational education and training as well as research and development projects.
BioAcademy’s Education strategy underline student centered and problem oriented solutions, leading to innovations and entrepreneur skills.
At BioAcademy, educational innovations and a deep commitment to understanding and meeting our clients’ needs are the twin foundations of our success. BioAcademy will provide talented and multi-culturally oriented international students with an academic training eco-system for the fields of bioeconomy, green business and other educational services according to the concept of the sustainable management of renewable natural resources. The training combines best practices of the Finnish society with the demands of problem solving between global and local approaches to utilize bioresources in the context of ecosystem services. BioAcademy brings together multicultural experts from around the globe to provide best possible solutions for training and education. BioAcademy provides both complete turn-key solutions and tailor-made collaboration in curricula development, joint courses, foreign study excursions, leader’s academy and result oriented work-shop services.

Adj. Prof., (University of Eastern Finland)
Dr (Agriculture and Forestry)Adj. Prof.
Liisa Toivonen, is the CEO of BioAcademy. In addition, she holds a position of Adjunct Professor in Energy wood production at the University of Eastern Finland, where she has done a long career of more than 20 years. During her university career at UEF she served as the Director of International Relations, Director Professor of the Finnish-Russian Cross-Border University (CBU) and as a Finnish Co-Director of Sino-Finnish Environmental Research Centre in Nanjing University, China. Liisa has always been very active in developing international cooperation, in addition to her university positions she has hold the posts of e.g. Secretary General of the Silva Network, and member of Interim Council of IPFE Global Partnership for Forestry Education. On the other hand she has always been active in research and development, specialized wide-ranging in rural development, renewable natural resources, forestry and bioenergy, education and policy.
Her passion is to effect on development towards the sustainable future. She has been successful in bringing world leaders, industrial innovators and scientists together to find solutions to global problems through bioeconomy forums; the Koli Forum (2011-2013) and Barcelona Bioeconomy Forum (2014). Empowering young experts by providing enough information of alternative futures is currently one of the sectors she is actively working e.g. to develop international educational modules about bioeconomy. Currently she is actively developing cooperation with India, China, Africa and some Arabic countries.
phone: +358 50 541 7337
Karthikeyan Natarajan, marketing director
Dr. Karthikeyan Natarajan, holds Ph.D in Agriculture and Forestry from the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu. He specializes in Bioresources and bioenergy technology with strong expertise in the supply chain optimization modeling methods. At BioAcademy, he is tailor making several international training programs to serve clients in education and training sectors, government departments and ministries. He is also an expert in traditional fire prevention techniques such as prescribed burning. In addition, he has a longstanding experience in organizing international training programs for Indian Forest Service officers (MCT IFS, IFS Probationers and PSUC) in Finland, Russia and Philippines.
He has considerable experience over 10 years in academic, research and business in the forest and energy sector. He is a recipient of numerous awards including Fortum Foundation Scholarship, Cultural Foundation scholarship, CIMO foundation, Kone Foundation, Erasmus Mundus and so on for his masters and doctoral study. He has carried out big investment studies in India and Poland as a part of BEST project ‘Sustainable Bioenergy Solutions for Tomorrow’ with a funding volume of 16 million euros (2012-2016), which was one of Finland’s biggest bioenergy projects in history.
phone: +358 44 0570309